The Shared Concern Method (SCM)

As we start this new year, we wish you all the best for a year filled with happiness, success, and health. May each day be an opportunity for our students to grow, learn, and thrive. Happy New Year to everyone; may 2025 be an exceptional year for each of you!
In this first newsletter of 2025, we want to remind you about an important program at our three primary campuses that supports a positive school environment: the Shared Concern Method (SCM).
What is the Shared Concern Method?
This method focuses on adult concerns related to a student's suffering, without mentioning any complaints from that student or others. Its goal is to encourage students to find peaceful solutions to conflicts on their own. It quickly addresses group dynamics without trying to identify causes or label the situation.
The SCM aims to break down group effects, and to assist with this, an anti-bullying team is activated. Trained staff conduct discreet interviews with both the victim and the suspected bullies to support the victim and dismantle group dynamics by addressing each individual.
This approach avoids blaming, based on the idea that punishments can be counterproductive in bullying situations. Blaming can lead to further stigmatization of targeted individuals, making their situations worse. Meanwhile, the school might mistakenly think the problem is resolved.
Additionally, since bullying issues involve group dynamics, collective punishments can seem unfair. Disciplinary actions need to be backed by evidence, but often, adults can recognize a problem without having concrete facts to justify sanctions. Most reports to adults come from hearsay.
Since this method avoids blame, the parents of suspected bullies are not informed when the anti-bullying team is activated.
Who activates the anti-bullying team?
The team is activated by the school administration at the request of:
- Teachers
- Students
- Parents
An email address is set up for each campus for this purpose:
- TKO: [email protected]
- JL: [email protected]