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Peau d’Âne – The Popular Fairy Tale in Support of the FIS Solidarity Funds

29 October 2024

The popular tale dating back to the Middle Ages, romanticised by Charles Perrault in 1694 and interpreted by Catherine Deneuve in 1970 in Jacques Demy's film (to mention only the most well-known adaptations), is brought up to date by CHORUS, who offers us on the 15th and 16th of November two theatre performances: 'PEAU D'ÂNE'.

This modern and magical adaptation of the tale is aimed at students as well as their parents. Marion Demeneix, a teacher at FIS and in charge of CHORUS' theatre activities, directs the play.

A play specially produced for FIS

This is the second year that the play is being performed specifically for the FIS community. If last year this initiative was part of a shared project between the French and International Streams of our school, this year it undertakes an even more meaningful mission as the profits from the play will be donated to the FIS Solidarity Fund.

The synopsis

In her ultimate breath, a queen asks one last favour of her king: to only marry a woman more beautiful than herself. However, for him, there is only one: the princess, his daughter.

With a delicacy that does not shy away from the ferocity of Perrault's tale, this adaptation offers a completely offbeat version of this incredible initiatory journey.

Its characters are luminous, freely transitioning from the grotesque to the marvelous. While embracing excess and exuberance, this adaptation never forgets its audience, the young public, to whom it offers a funny, intelligent, and generous Peau d'Âne.


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